Featured Publications

New York Times article about PGD and COVID

As Covid Deaths Rise, Lingering Grief Gets a New Name

Prolonged grief disorder was recently added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, just as experts are predicting a coming wave of severe bereavement.

'Time don't heal it': The 'grief pandemic' from COVID-19 will torment Americans for years, experts say

The pandemic — and the political battles and economic devastation that have accompanied it — have inflicted unique forms of torment on mourners, making it harder to move ahead with their lives than with a typical loss, said sociologist Holly Prigerson, co-...

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Caregiver exposure to critical events and distress in home-based palliative care in Germany a cross-sectional study using theStressful Caregiving Adult Reactions toExperiences of Dying (SCARED) scale

A newly published research in Germany just validated our Stressful Caregiving Adult Reactions to Experiences of Dying (SCARED) scale.

To download the article, please visit this link

The abstract is as below:


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Weill Cornell Medicine Center for Research on End-of-Life Care 525 E 68th St, Box 39,
1414 Baker Pavilion
New York, NY 10065