
Lessons for Life’s End: How to Cope with Life-Threatening Illness

Dr. Holly Prigerson outlines the steps that patients, families, and clinicians need to take in order to ensure accurate patient understanding of disease and promote the undertaking of informed medical decisions that are consistent with a patient’s values. 

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Prevalence, Correlates & Outcomes of Chemotherapy for Patients with End-Stage Gastrointestinal Cancers

Dr. Holly Prigerson provides insight on frequency, correlates and the harms and benefits of chemotherapy use in patients in their final months of life.

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DSM-5-TR Consensus Criteria for Prolonged Grief Disorder

Individuals who are bereaved by the death of a loved one may suffer from developing a grief specific mental disorder referred to as Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD).  PGD is being considered for inclusion in section II of the DSM-5 TR after nearly 2 decades of debating and validating the diagnostic criteria and syndromes.

Dr. Prigerson and Dr. Maciejewski validated the criteria that are included in ICD-11 (The International Classification of Disease) based on the Yale Bereavement Study, published in PLoS Medicine 2019.  This year, they presented the criteria to the DSM-5 TR Workgroup on Pathological Grieving (See the attached our presentation at DSM-5 TR on June 3, 2019).  At the June 3, 2019, revised set of criteria for PGD were formulated.  Our Center is happy to assist in the validation of this newly, consensually proposed criteria set for PGD.  You can help DSM and the field to validate these new criteria.

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Weill Cornell Medicine Center for Research on End-of-Life Care 525 E 68th St, Box 39,
1414 Baker Pavilion
New York, NY 10065