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Found 57 results
de Meritens ABuckley
Margolis B
Blinderman C
Prigerson HG
Maciejewski PK
Shen MJ
Hou JY
Burke WM
Wright JD
Tergas AI
. 2017.
Practice Patterns, Attitudes, and Barriers to Palliative Care Consultation by Gynecologic Oncologists.
J Oncol Pract. 13(9):e703-e711.
Diamond EL
Prigerson HG
Correa DC
Reiner A
Panageas K
Kryza-Lacombe M
Buthorn J
Neil EC
Miller AM
DeAngelis LM
et al.
. 2017.
Prognostic awareness, prognostic communication, and cognitive function in patients with malignant glioma.
Neuro Oncol. 19(11):1532-1541.
Maciejewski PK
Prigerson HG
. 2017.
Prolonged, but not complicated, grief is a mental disorder.
Br J Psychiatry. 211(4):189-191.
Chughtai B
Westman L
Maciejewski PK
Su A
Lief L
Berlin D
Prigerson HG
. 2017.
Urinary Incontinence and Quality of Death in the Intensive Care Unit.
J Palliat Med. 20(10):1054-1055.
Trevino KM
Zhang B
Shen MJ
Prigerson HG
. 2016.
Accuracy of Advanced Cancer Patients' Life Expectancy Estimates: The Role of Race and Source of Life Expectancy Information
Lambden J
Zhang B
Friedlander R
Prigerson HG
. 2016.
Accuracy of Oncologists' Life-Expectancy Estimates Recalled by Their Advanced Cancer Patients: Correlates and Outcomes.
J Palliat Med. 19(12):1296-1303.
Park CL
Masters KS
Salsman JM
Wachholtz A
Clements AD
Salmoirago-Blotcher E
Trevino K
Wischenka DM
. 2016.
Advancing our understanding of religion and spirituality in the context of behavioral medicine.
J Behav Med.
Li J
Prigerson HG
. 2016.
Assessment and associated features of prolonged grief disorder among Chinese bereaved individuals.
Compr Psychiatry. 66:9-16.
Shen MJohnson
Hamann HA
Thomas AJ
Ostroff JS
. 2016.
Association between patient-provider communication and lung cancer stigma.
Support Care Cancer. 24(5):2093-9.
Garrido MM
Prigerson HG
Bao Y
Maciejewski PK
. 2016.
Chemotherapy Use in the Months Before Death and Estimated Costs of Care in the Last Week of Life.
J Pain Symptom Manage. 51(5):875-881.e2.
Yu W
He L
Xu W
Wang J
Prigerson HGwen
. 2016.
Continuing Bonds and Bereavement Adjustment Among Bereaved Mainland Chinese.
J Nerv Ment Dis.
Keating NL
Landrum MBeth
Huskamp HA
Kouri EM
Prigerson HG
Schrag D
Maciejewski PK
Hornbrook MC
Haggstrom DA
. 2016.
Dartmouth Atlas Area-Level Estimates of End-of-Life Expenditures: How Well Do They Reflect Expenditures for Prospectively Identified Advanced Lung Cancer Patients?
Health Serv Res. 51(4):1584-94.
Roberts K
Holland J
Prigerson HG
Sweeney C
Corner G
Breitbart W
Lichtenthal WG
. 2016.
Development of the Bereavement Risk Inventory and Screening Questionnaire (BRISQ): Item generation and expert panel feedback.
Palliat Support Care. :1-10.
Epstein AS
Prigerson HG
O'Reilly EM
Maciejewski PK
. 2016.
Discussions of Life Expectancy and Changes in Illness Understanding in Patients With Advanced Cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 34(20):2398-403.
Weissman JS
Cooper Z
Hyder JA
Lipsitz S
Jiang W
Zinner MJ
Prigerson HG
. 2016.
End-of-Life Care Intensity for Physicians, Lawyers, and the General Population.
JAMA. 315(3):303-5.
Prigerson HG
Neugut AI
Maciejewski PK
. 2016.
Evaluating Chemotherapy at the End of Life--Reply.
JAMA Oncol. 2(1):144.
Trevino KM
Martin P
Prigerson HG
. 2016.
Evaluating Quality Metrics for the Care of Patients With Blood Cancer Who Are Near Death.
J Clin Oncol.
Nissen KG
Trevino K
Lange T
Prigerson HG
. 2016.
Family Relationships and Psychosocial Dysfunction among Family Caregivers of Patients with Advanced Cancer.
J Pain Symptom Manage.
Isenberg-Grzeda E
Shen MJohnson
Alici Y
Wills J
Nelson C
Breitbart W
. 2016.
High rate of thiamine deficiency among inpatients with cancer referred for psychiatric consultation: results of a single site prevalence study.
Yu W
He L
Xu W
Wang J
Prigerson HG
. 2016.
How Do Attached Dimensions Affect Bereavement Adjustment? A Mediation Model of Continuing Bonds
Psychiatry Research. 238
Shen MJohnson
Prigerson HG
Paulk E
Trevino KM
Penedo FJ
Tergas AI
Epstein AS
Neugut AI
Maciejewski PK
. 2016.
Impact of end-of-life discussions on the reduction of Latino/non-Latino disparities in do-not-resuscitate order completion.
Tsai W-I
Prigerson HG
Li C-Y
Chou W-C
Kuo S-C
Tang STzuh
. 2016.
Longitudinal changes and predictors of prolonged grief for bereaved family caregivers over the first 2 years after the terminally ill cancer patient's death.
Palliat Med. 30(5):495-503.
Cea ME
M Reid C
Inturrisi C
Witkin LR
Prigerson HG
Bao Y
. 2016.
Pain Assessment, Management, and Control Among Patients 65 Years or Older Receiving Hospice Care in the U.S.
J Pain Symptom Manage. 52(5):663-672.
Trevino KM
Naik AD
Moye J
. 2016.
Perceived and Actual Change in Religion/Spirituality in Cancer Survivors: Longitudinal Relationships With Distress and Perceived Growth.
Psycholog Relig Spiritual. 8(3):195-205.
McFarland DC
Shen MJohnson
Holcombe RF
. 2016.
Predictors of patient satisfaction with inpatient hospital pain management across the United States: A national study.
J Hosp Med. 11(7):498-501.
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