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How PGD got into DSM-5-TR, a theory of adjustment to loss, & treatment implications

You can download the slideshow at this link below:

File brazil_talk.nov12.pptx


The Gold Standard for Current Cancer Treatment

Klepper's perspective:

"Elaine and I talked about this. Given the chance to do it over, would she have gone through 3 lines of “gold standard” chemotherapy again, with their profound impacts and the remote chances of success? The tradeoffs between hope and quality of life were simply too great. Her answer was an unequivocal no."

Read more here as Dr. Klepper discusses his perspective on what...

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Too Many Advanced Cancer Patients Lack Basic Understanding About Their Disease

Only 5% of Terminally Ill Advanced Cancer Patients Fully Understood Prognosis

Only a small consortium of advanced cancer patients were able to show that they could identify and fully understand their prognosis according to a study led by faculty members from Memorial Sloan Kettering and Weill Cornell Medicine, which aimed to uncover the influence of prognostic discussions on the accuracy of illness understanding.

The open access...

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Weill Cornell Medicine Center for Research on End-of-Life Care 525 E 68th St, Box 39,
1414 Baker Pavilion
New York, NY 10065